
Cinical & Other Services

Business Development

About Us


Business Development Services:

Licensing Agreements and Related Services

Partners LLC: Biomedical Consulting


LSP’s principals have extensive experience in the structuring and negotiation of product licensing relationships and other agreements, including contract manufacturing, technology transfer and manufacturing process licenses. They have

LSP is experienced in the generation of cash flow and income projections. These projections are

A useful cash flow and income projection requires knowledge of the several factors which determine not only the raw cost of goods, but also other elements that figure in the establishment of a realistic final product cost. The broad experience of LSP’s principals with pharmaceutical and biomedical organizations of several types provides an excellent background for assessing all of the various factors that form the basis of functional cost and income projections.

Another important aspect of developing useful cost and income projections, and consequently of determining mutually favorable deal terms and an appropriate pricing structure for the final commercial product, is a capable assessment of the competitive universe that the client’s product will encounter. LSP can provide market analyses that include

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